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  • Can vaccinations prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)? 

Can vaccinations prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)? 

Yes and no! Basically, it depends on the STI.  

Vaccinations are very effective in prevention of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B viruses, and monkeypox (Mpox). Despite ongoing research, there are currently no vaccinations for prevention of viral Hepatitis C and HIV, nor any bacterial STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis.1 However, the good news is that these STIs can all be treated.  

HPV vaccination 

HPV is a very common STI which usually shows no symptoms and goes away by itself. In a small number of people, HPV can cause serious illness and is responsible for most genital warts and cervical cancers. HPV spreads by sexual contact. 

The vaccination that prevents HPV is known as Gardasil ®9 and is free for anyone aged between 12 and 25 years of age. The vaccine works best if it is given before exposure to the virus – that is, before you become sexually active.  

It is recommended and free for:  

  • All Australians aged 9-25 years.  
  • High risk groups including:
    • People living with HIV
    • Significantly immunocompromised groups
    • Men who have sex with men. 

Australian children aged from 12-13 can access the vaccination through the Secondary School Immunisation Program. You can also access the vaccine through your GP, pharmacy or local immunisation provider.2 

Hepatitis A vaccine  

Hepatitis A is an acute liver infection and is caused from contaminated food and water. The virus spreads through faecal-oral transmission and can also occur during sex, especially men who have sex with men. While the virus is highly contagious, most people recover completely.  

Hepatitis A vaccination is recommended for people in high-risk groups and for unvaccinated people who have been in contact with someone who has hepatitis A. The vaccine can protect someone who has been exposed to the virus if given within two weeks of contact. Two doses taken 6 months apart is recommended for long lasting protection. 2 

It is recommended for high-risk groups including: travellers to developing countries, frequent visitors to remote indigenous communities, sewerage workers, men who have sex with men, childcare workers, intellectually disabled and their carers, injecting drug users, people with chronic liver disease and people with haemophilia needing regular blood transfusions.2 

It is available free for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (between 12-24 months) who live in remote regions. 2 

Hepatitis B vaccine 

Hep B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus. It is spread when blood, semen or another body fluid passes from an infected person to a non-infected person. Spread can occur through sexual contact, sharing needles or from mother to baby at birth 

Vaccination is recommended and free for:  

  • All babies and young people under 20 years of age  
  • People who are at risk including:
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
    • Household contacts and sexual partners of people living with hep B
    • Injecting drug users and those on opioid substitution therapy
    • Men who have sex with men
    • People living with HIV
    • People living with hepatitis C
    • People from high prevalence countries2 

While most adults who contract hepatitis B recover completely and do not need ongoing treatment, children who contract the virus are more likely to develop chronic hepatitis B. All babies should be given the Hep B vaccine within 24 hours of birth and then further doses at 2 months, 4 months and 6 months of age, as part of a combination vaccine. Babies born to mums with hepatitis B should be vaccinated within 12 hours of birth as well be given another medicine called ‘hepatitis B immunoglobulin’.3 

If you are under 20 years old and did not receive the vaccines in childhood, or if you are a refugee or other humanitarian entrant of any age, you can get a freecatch-up vaccination.3 

Mpox vaccine 

Mpox, related to the smallpox virus, is a rare virus which, until recently, was mainly isolated to returned travellers. The disease which spreads through close physical contact and effects mostly men who have sex with men, has recently seen local transmission, particularly in Victoria. While usually resulting in a mild illness, some people may develop serious illness and require hospitalisation. At the mpox vaccination is not currently recommended as a routine travel vaccine, but is recommended, available and free, for eligible people: 

  • Men who have sex with men 
  • Sexually active trans and gender diverse people, if at risk of mpox exposure 
  • Sex workers, particularly those with clients who are at risk of mpox exposure 
  • Sex-on-premises venue staff and attendees 
  • People living with HIV, if at risk of mpox exposure 
  • Sex partners (including anonymous or intimate contacts) of the above 
  • Laboratory personnel working with orthopoxviruses 
  • Healthcare workers at risk of exposure to patients with mpox 

The mpox vaccination involves 2 doses, provided 28 days apart. It takes 14 days to become effective. 

To find a local mpox immunisation provider, search here: Mpox immunisation providers – Better Health Channel.  

Future use of vaccinations to prevent STIs 

With no vaccine available for Hepatitis C, HIV or herpes and increased drug resistance to bacterial STIs, researchers are focussing on new vaccinations to reduce burden of disease. While there have been some promising vaccine developments, further investment and action is required both to combat the rising epidemic of STIs and ensure continued effectiveness of existing vaccines. 1 

While we await these developments the best way to protect yourself against STIs is by using condoms, having regular STI checks and knowing the sexual health of your partner (s). Addressing both prevention and control of STIs is a public health priority. 


  1. Raccagni AR, Alberton F, Castagna A, Nozza S. ‘Vaccines against Emerging Sexually Transmitted Infections: Current Preventive Tools and Future Perspectives’, New Microbiol. 2022 Jan;45(1), pp. 9-27, viewed 2 July 2024,    
  2. Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care 2024, Getting vaccinated, viewed 5 July, 2024  
  3. Better Health Channel, Hepatitis B immunisation, viewed 3 July, 2024  
  4. Department of Health, Mpox (Monkeypox), viewed 19 July, 2024,