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Training and support

Below are some professional development, training and support services for health professionals and others who may wish to further their skills in sexual and reproductive health.

The Royal Women’s Hospital – Early Medical Abortion Training
This short online course developed by The Royal Women’s Hospital delivers foundation knowledge and skills required to provide comprehensive best practice early medical abortion care.The primary target audience is Medical Practitioners, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Midwives, Pharmacists and Social Workers who have a role in sexual and reproductive health care.

MS 2-Step training
Health professionals who wish to become prescribers of MS-2 Step no longer need to register online, but are encouraged to access this free training resource.

The Royal Women’s Hospital – Sexual & Reproductive Health Clinical Champion Network
The Royal Women’s Hospital’s Clinical Champion Network is a state-wide program that aims to improve access to safe and effective medical and surgical abortion and long acting contraception care by increasing training and capacity within outer metro, regional hospitals and primary healthcare.

CERSH – Online Learning Modules – Rural Sexual Health Care
The Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health currently offer 12 free and accredited learning modules on rural sexual health care. The modules can be taken individually or as a group, with RACGP and CDP points allocated accordingly:

  • Module 1: Introduction to models of sexual health care in rural settings
  • Module 2 :Cornerstones of sexual health care
  • Module 3: STI treatment and management
  • Module 4: Youth and trust
  • Module 5: Privacy and confidentiality
  • Module 6: Pharmaceutical Access
  • Module 7: Contact tracing in a small community
  • Module 8: Avoiding sexuality assumptions
  • Module 9: National Cervical Screening Program
  • Module 10: Service Delivery of Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTOP) in a rural context
  • Module 11: Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
  • Module 12: Syphilis

Sexual Health Victoria – Professional Learning
Sexual Health Victoria offer a variety of certificate and non-certificate courses, for professionals including doctors, nurses and midwives, teachers, youth and community workers and disability professionals. Course topics include:

The Australian Contraception and Abortion Primary Care Practitioner Support Network
A private online community for primary health care providers who are interested in increasing women’s access to long acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) and medical abortion. This Community of Practice is designed to help clinicians connect with peers and access expert knowledge and information.

Victoria Legal Aid – Sex, young people and the law (education kit)
This is a legal education kit for educators to assist young people to understand their legal rights and responsibilities and make informed decisions about sex and relationships. The program covers topics including age of consent, consent, cyberbullying and sexting. It includes an eLearning module and teaching resources.

1800 My Options – Abortion, Contraception and Sexual Health: Supporting Client Access
This short course has been developed by us at 1800 My Options, aimed at support and health workers. The online course will provide you with an understanding of contraception, abortion and sexual health rights and options in Victoria and the barriers that can affect access to sexual and reproductive health services.

Children By Choice – Education and Training Sessions
Children By Choice offer a variety of training and professional development opportunities within the non-directive pregnancy options and post-abortion space. Training topics include post-abortion counselling, abortion doula skills, and reproductive coercion and abuse, and are delivered both online and in-person.

VHHITAL – Victorian HIV and Hepatitis Integrated Training And Learning program
VHHITAL delivers comprehensive education and training for the primary health care workforce for the diagnosis, treatment and management of HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infections (STI).

ASHM – Decision Making in Contraception
A quick reference tool to support clinicians through the process of a contraceptive consultation, with reminders of key discussion points and considerations to work through with patients. The resource includes a quick reference table summarising advantages and disadvantages of different contraceptive options.

Recognising and Responding to Sexual Violence in Adults
Monash University’s Department of Forensic Medicine and consortia partner, the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (VIFM), have developed a three-unit Course for health practitioners in Recognising and Responding to Sexual Violence. The training will equip healthcare professionals to recognise and respond appropriately to adult disclosures of sexual violence.

Access a list of Implanon NXT training providers, online modules and educational resources. Includes a list of centres of experience for complex removal of the contraceptive implant that may have been deeply inserted.

GenWest – Consent Compass
Developed as a partnership project between GenWest and Moonee Valley Legal Service, with the support of the Victorian Law Foundation – the educational resources and module provide practical resources, online learning and expert information to support discussions with young people about sex, pleasure and the law. The module is aimed at professionals in the community and legal sectors who work with young people.

CERSH: Working towards sustainability – Rural Services Development Project

This report proposes two adaptable prototype models designed to improve service sustainability:

    • a general practitioner (GP)-led model, which offers a broader scope of practice, access to higher Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) rebates, and the capacity to recruit GP registrars
    • a nurse practitioner (NP)-led model, which provides a streamlined approach to patient care, enabling NPs to manage the entire patient journey from assessment to treatment.

Strategies outlined in the report aim to bolster sustainability through mechanisms such as the MBS, scholarships and grants, and quality improvements in service delivery processes. Support models, including telehealth and outreach services, are recommended to expand care access for rural and regional communities, although they may face logistical and financial challenges.

If you provide sexual and reproductive health training and would like us to include it here, please email [email protected]